The annual general meeting of the SWSC is
normally held at the Grove Golf Club on the first Friday in November. The main purpopse of the meeting is to receive and aprove the accounts, review the past years competitions, provide a forum for members to propose alterations to the way the games are played and propose any changes to the current rules they may think appropriate. The meeting will also consider and vote accordingly when proposals for new committee members are received. Notice of the AGM will be posted on this web site well in advance of the date indicating the time and place of the meeting. Proposals for discussion at the meeting must be in writing (letter or email) with the name of the proposer and seconder and the golf club to which they belong. These proposals must be in the hands of the Secretary 2 weeks before the AGM in order to ensure that any proposal is available for viewing on the web site. The minutes of previous meetings are available by clicking on the links on the left. |